It was a breath of fresh air this morning to share breakfast with a friend and discuss spiritually redemptive film, such as the work of Andrei Tarkovsky, Terrence Malick, Ingmar Bergman, Robert Bresson, and more. The power of art reminds us of beauty’s brilliance amidst ruin.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with Tim Keller on theories of justice, Tom Holland on the end of secularism, Laurent Dubreuil’s “Nonconforming” in Harper’s, Christian groups unveil new criminal justice reform push, and more.
What Love Is This?: a prayer reflection on Psalm 145 – sometimes I need to pray my way around Scripture to sink into it and let it sink into me more deeply.
For our church’s summer-long journey through the Epistle to the Hebrews I wrote prayers reflecting themes of the weekly passage. The latest prayer drawn from Hebrews 12:1-11 is here, as well as links to all the prayers from previous texts.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with responses to the Beirut explosion, “Preserving our body and bodies for worship,” a review of Barbara Peacock’s Soul Care in African American Practice, and more.
As I see Moses at the burning bush, I wonder whether interruptions are God’s activity? Could curiosity and wonder begin a new journey with God? How many bushes are burning with divine fire today? We will never know until see stop, see, and draw aside.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with George Yancey’s model for racial healing, Leland Ryken remembers JI Packer, NAE President Walter Kim on the long journey of racial justice, Ross Douthat on cancel culture, and much more.
I’ve been thinking about our blind spots and whether it’s possible to see them and change them. Here are a few of my recent thoughts.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with Ed Stetzer on the NY Times assessment of churches and COVID-19, the Supreme Court and religious freedom, AACC marches in Chicago, Mel Lawrenz on traumatic loss, and so much more.
“Do we empty the Messiah of His true power by grasping for other types of power—power of influence, power to dominate, power of money, power of achievement, power of sensuality, power of position? By doing so we forsake Christ and our faith!” More here.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with Mark Regnerus on the church and marriage, David Brooks on 5 epic crises facing the US, evangelical leaders and race?, Hagia Sophia may become a mosque again, and much more.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with Vince Bacote @vbacote on another run at freedom, a discussion about rethinking the white Jesus, Jon Tyson on hospitality, ABS appoints new President, and much more.
The latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with Esau McCaulley on the Bible & black anger, NT Wright on “Undermining Racism,” Robert Larry’s reflections on the current situation, a series of posts by @ayjay on critical theory, and more.
The sufferings we endure are not meaningless within the hands of God. As the Apostle Paul outlines in Romans 5, God takes us in the midst of our sufferings and shapes something valuable into our lives.
Here is latest “Weekend Wanderer” with “How to Cope with That ‘Always-On’ Feeling,” should churches open?, “Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You,” remembering Ravi Zacharias, Francis Collins wins Templeton Prize, Evagrius on acedia, and more.
In Memoriam: Ravi Zacharias - some thoughts on Ravi and an invitation to share your anecdotes and stories in response to this post.
It was a pleasure to join with Lawrence Aker III and Matt Woodley of Preaching Today to talk about “Pivoting Your Summer Preaching Series.”
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with the death of missionary pilot Joyce Lin, Esau McCaulley on Ahmaud Arbery, information overload, Hannah Arendt, Ravi Zacharias, Darrin Patrick’s passing, how walking changes us, and more.
Dallas Willard’s advice, “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life,” is much-needed advice for us even during the pandemic. It was also the inspiration behind this book by John Mark Comer.
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with the UK Blessing, perspectives on the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, can we sing in church during a pandemic?, letter writing is not lost in the Coptic church, Christian Book Awards for 2020, and more.
Why Does God Seem Distant?: The Holy Pursuit of the Hidden God - This reminds us that God’s distance, whether measured in minutes or miles, aims to stir something up within us…a longing for God.
Lamenting Our Losses - three vital parts of lament during the pandemic
Does anyone have recommendations on the best way to learn Latin on one’s own? It’s something I have hoped to do for years, but have never really applied myself to it and would value recommendations for resources. Thanks!
Here is the latest edition of “The Weekend Wanderer” with two articles on bodily life and why online meetings like Zoom are tiring, Mark Noll on evangelicalism, Vince Bacote on Bruce Fields, JR Briggs on living with healthy rhythms, and more.