Matt Erickson

“Transfigured: a prayer reflection” - drawing upon Jesus’ transfiguration and the words of 2 Peter 2

After being gone for two weeks in East Africa, it is a joy to return to the family and staff at Eastbrook Church. I am reminded not to take for granted that I serve alongside of others in our church, especially when many pastors I was with feel very alone in their ministry.

Currently reading: The Scandal of the Incarnation by Hans Urs Von Balthasar 📚

Currently reading: The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald 📚

Just finished reading: The Rublev Trinity by Gabriel Bunge 📚

I appreciate your prayer support today as I work on messages for our series, “Growing in Faith: Exploring 2 Peter,” for upcoming weekends at Eastbrook Church. Thank you!

It was so great to spend the day together on Tuesday as Eastbrook Church staff for our annual all staff retreat at Nashotah House Seminary. It was a wonderful day to be together worshiping, learning, and building relationships. And in such a beautiful and hospitable place.

Thankful that my latest article with Preaching Today dropped today: “Spiritually Formed Preachers: How to bring spiritual formation into your entire sermon process.” I’d love to hear your thoughts on this important aspect of preaching.

It was a poignant moment to have Dr. Jack Sara, President of Bethlehem Bible College, with us for the first weekend of our MissionFest at Eastbrook Church. Jack is a long-time friend and arrived here to news of the outbreak of hostilities back home. He still brought a great message for us.

Currently reading: Second Nature by Michael Pollan 📚

Does anyone have recommended resources on seasons in a congregation’s life? I’m not referring to the liturgical year or church calendar, but changing aspects within a church’s development over the years and decades.

One instance of autumn’s variegated beauty.

“A Prayer of God’s Lavish Love Enfleshed”

“One of the purposes for which God instituted prayer may have been to bear witness that the course of events is not governed like a state but created like a work of art to which every being makes its contribution.” - C. S. Lewis in Letters to Malcolm.

Beautiful hike yesterday on segments of the Ice Age Trail in eastern Wisconsin. This pic is from a viewing platform in the Woodland Dunes Nature Center.

“Holy Spirit Hovers Electric” - a poem based on Luke 1:26-38

Sunrise at Klode Park Wednesday morning. No filters or adjustments. Just an amazing, golden sunrise through the clouds.

“Saying ‘Yes’ to God in Our Discipleship” - a little reflection on the life of Philip the Evangelist overflowing from my recent sermon at Eastbrook Church.

Yesterday afternoon’s hike through the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center was quiet and beautiful. We were happy to stumble upon a pair of deer enjoying a snack near sundown but I couldn’t snap a photo of them before they ran off.

We recently started a midday prayer gathering with our staff at Eastbrook Church every Wednesday and it is slowly becoming one of my favorite moments in the week. I’m so thankful to work with these colleagues who are also a family I can pray with.

Just finished reading: Soil and Sacrament by Fred Bahnson 📚

I always love being able to celebrate baptism with those who have made a decision to follow Jesus at Eastbrook Church. Each time there are special stories of God’s work in peoples’ lives. And what a beautiful day yesterday at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee!

When I conclude a sermon series, I usually share resources I utilized in my study and preparation for sermons. Here is the bibliography for our recent series at Eastbrook Church, “Sacred Invitation: A Life of Prayer.”

Last Friday we dropped of our youngest son, David, for his freshman year at college. We’re so excited for him to enter this new phase of life, and it brings a new phase for us as empty nesters. Hard to believe!