@KyleEssary What a beautiful statement from an astute scholar.
@Jonah Same. That is a bit of a life goal for me to read the entire series. Now, I just have the next part, Paul and the Faithfulness of God. But it's actually two huge books!
@bbowman Not an easy read for sure. I enjoyed volumes 2 and 3 even more than volume 1. I just had the realization that if I own these, I should finally just read them all the way through. It was arduous but well worth it.
@KyleEssary I've enoyed the entire series thoroughly, including NTPG and JVG. I hope to continue into Paul and the Faithfulness of God volumes, but maybe next year. I have a big reading list for this year already.
I also found it curious they're not in hardcover, but I imagine it's cost related.
@JimRain It's a beautiful prayer.
@tinyroofnail Thank you for sharing this. I worked with Moltmann's Theology of Hope quite a bit on my forthcoming book project, and this is helpful for this new work. I am grateful for you sharing it!